By the time you reach the end of this review, I will have totally forgotten even watching McG’s latest action offering, ‘3 Days to Kill.’ Does that mean it’s a bad film? No. Not really. Kevin Costner stars as a CIA agent in Paris who has been diagnosed with only a few months to live... unless he completes ‘one last job’ (in which case the CIA will cure him).

There’s nothing really wrong with this film. There’s just nothing that make it stand out over all the dozens other similar spy/chase movies. You can literally do something else, like surf the internet, while it’s on and still understand every last aspect of the plot.
It tries to be serious, but comes across a little too ‘comic book-like.’ The villains are TOO villainous, the sexy CIA contact Kevin has to meet is a little TOO sexy. It all just comes across as too far-fetched. I lost count of how many high speech car chases I watched through the streets of Paris with bodies falling out of car windows every few hundred yards, only for the police to never feel the need to investigate and every civilian just getting on with their lives as if there wasn’t a real life game of Grand Theft Auto going on all around them.
There’s a subplot that seems to date back to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘True Lies,’ where Kevin has to ‘reconnect’ with his estranged wife and daughter. Just because Arnie’s offering was twenty years ago, doesn’t mean that time has managed to top it.
If you like spy/chase films then you’ve probably seen all the best ones. I’m sure a film or genre will eventually come along to top the Bourne films or whatever Liam Neeson’s latest offering is and that’ll be great. However, this film isn’t it. In fact... what was it called again?
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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