Mixing genres that don't normally mix can be risky at best of times. Sure, put sci-fi with horror or thriller, but westerns? It's a gamble. Luckily, in this case, it's a gamble that WORKED.

The proper stars and budget naturally make a great movie with plenty of fun (if a little stereotyped) characters and realistic-looking (not to mention nasty) aliens to fight.
The film's longer than the average ninety minutes, but don't let that put you off. The opening half hour establishes the characters nicely and from then on the action flows.
Aliens who fly around in space ships and pack big laser guns versus cowboy with six-shooters and Indians with spears and bows and arrows makes for the perfect mismatch. You can't help but root for the humans. They do a great job and it's awesome to watch - the perfect popcorn flick. The only thing missing from the film was a part for Sigourney Weaver. I think it would have been great to see `Ripley' riding with cowboys while slapping the odd alien along the way!
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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