Truth Or Dare - Gets way better than the start would have you believe
I got about three minutes into 'Truth or Dare' and absolutely hated it. It was the characters. They were completely loathsome. I don't want to come across as some sort of `anti-rich brigade' but they were just too posh and full of themselves. They were like clones of Tamara Eccelstone and Ben Fogle (anyone who wears £300 shoes deserves to be chopped up in a 'slasher' flick).

You won't really remember any of the characters' names, even when the credits roll, but they're different enough to stand out from each other and you'll at least know them visually. Plus they have decent motivation here and there, so many of their actions are at least reasonable given their unlikely situation.
For what is technically a horror/torture b-movie, there are some surprising plot developments which I won't go into for fear of spoiling it for you. I don't think I'd call what transpires 'twists,' but there are definitely a few plot points you probably won't see coming. Also, you may need a strong stomach as, when revenge comes these toffs' way, it's not very nice to watch. There isn't that much gore, but when it comes it's not deliberately over-the-top and quite realistic given the setting (and budget!).
This is one film where the less you know about it the more chance you'll have of enjoying it. If you like 'Hostel' and revenge type films, definitely give this one a go. You may be surprised. And stick with it until the end - I was glad I did. I've watched it twice now (with a fair few years in between viewings) and I'd completely forgotten what most of it was about, so I still found it enjoyable and fresh for a second time around.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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