The Helpers - Warning: may contain elements of `found footage' genre
Sometimes you have to wonder whether there are any American teenagers left in the country. Another car-load of them has only gone and broken down in the middle of nowhere and found themselves fall foul of... whatever the latest crop of psychos lie in wait for them.

It's actually hard to tell the difference between the annoying teens being stalked and the annoying teen killing them. It's like a convention of shrieking MTV presenters being doused in red paint. The killers have no credibility about them. They're not scary, just irritating. And their backstory regarding why they're like they are doesn't really hold up.
Then, to add final insult to injury, the film-maker includes many sections of `found footage.' If you don't know what that is, then you obviously haven't been watching enough low budget horror movies these days. It's basically the most overused technique in film-making that allows a slender budget to try and be stretched to the breaking point.
The Helpers adds nothing new to the horror genre. It borrows elements of far better films, such as Hostel, The Hitchhiker and Vacancy. My advice: watch one of them instead.
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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