Wednesday, 19 February 2020

The Ferryman - Not that bad, actually

I've read some pretty scathing reviews of `The Ferryman' online; most actually have quite clever titles like `Don't pay The Ferryman,' `Ferry Awful' and `Throw it overboard.' Despite finding those titles amusing, I have to disagree.

The Ferryman doesn't exactly rewrite the horror genre; its place lies firmly in that massive middle ground of a billion other low budget horror movies that the average horror fan watches when there's nothing else on TV in the hope that this one might actually be quite good. Most aren't, but, in my opinion, The Ferryman is at least watchable enough to keep the average horror film entertained for an hour and a half.

It's about a small boat, containing six twenty-somethings, sailing to Fiji. Sadly, the pleasant holiday ambience is cut short when they rescue a mysterious strange from a stricken boat - and, as we all know, picking up mysterious strangers is never a good idea.

I won't go into too much details about the plot as you may not know which direction the film will take, but, like I say, although The Ferryman is nothing spectacular, it's not as bad as some people seem to be making out.

6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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