If you never saw the first `Child's Play' film... it's about a serial killer whose soul gets trapped inside a children's doll and then goes on to persecute the poor little boy (Andy Barclay) who buys him. Now, after sending the offending dolly back to hell, he's back again (you don't need to know how - basically the same way Freddy, Jason or Michael Myers always comes back - yet - again). And, guess what, Andy Barclay is top of his `hit list.'

Brad Dourif returns to voice the killer doll, Chucky, and he gets it right on the mark again. However, the story does get a little bit repetitive after a while. It focuses around no one believing Andy that his doll is alive (and evil), only to find they're proved wrong when the doll kills them in a grisly manner (rinse and repeat). Plus you can tell who's going to die a mile off - all the adults are pretty horrible and you won't really shed a tear when any of them get gutted. Some of the more amusing (yet still horrible) adult characters are in it only at the beginning – it might have been better to save them (and their various demises) until later on in the film. Then there are the lapses in physics, i.e. when a plastic doll can regularly overpower fully-grown adults.
However, despite all its flaws, ‘Child's Play 2’ just about does the job. If you liked the first one, this one does its best to keep the franchise going along the same lines. However, if you're new to the films, I'd start off with the first one (it's easily the best and scariest) before seeing if you want to watch this one, too.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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