Sunday, 24 March 2019

Get Lucky - Shockingly bad

From the opening scene you know you're in for a rough ride. It's the acting. I could deal with the tired and worn plot, or the multitude of London gangster clichés, but having every line delivered like the actor or actress is hyper aware of the camera is just too much to watch.

I can only assume the multitude of 5 star reviews on Amazon have been written by people connected to the film (either that or very easily pleased!). 5 star reviews should be reserved for films which are going to stand the test of time. This doesn't even come close to a film that will last. If you can make it through the first fifteen minutes then you're doing well!

For a London film, don't expect too many Londoners - the main character is a posh boy who looks about fifteen years old, but just happens to be a criminal mastermind when he gathers a gang of out of work actors (or London wideboys - one of the two) to pull off a heist to pay off someone for something. It really doesn't matter. You won't care.

This is the definition of `low budget.' There's nothing here you haven't seen before, the only problem is you've seen it all soooo much better. Save yourself an hour and a half and just put Lock Stock on again. Even if you spot this in the `bargain basket' DVD section in some motorway service station and it's going cheap, don't bother. Buy a packet of Fruit Pastels instead - they're more enjoyable.

1/10 This might as well have been written, directed and produced by Uwe Boll

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