Scarface' is just about as near as you can get to a perfect movie. It is also a remake. How many times have you heard those words put together?! I dare say not many. The original was made back in 1932 and I think it's fair to say that film-making techniques had progressed enough (along with the world around us!) to create an original and totally different spin on the story of an ambitious criminal slowly climbing the underworld's seedy ladder until he becomes the kingpin himself.

It's also worth noting that he's possibly one of the most unlikable leads ever to grace the silver screen. He's a truly horrendous character with almost no redeemable traits - I suppose the only exceptions to his evil is that he only really hurts/kills those who are already involved in 'the business' or know what that sort of lifestyle is all about and he does his best not to hurt any innocent bystanders along the way. However, even his attempts to protect those he has some genuine feelings for (i.e. his family) often end up in disaster.
I suppose it's worth mentioning about the protagonist's character as some may find it a little hard to watch a man like that for over two hours of screen time. If you're looking for a hero you can root for and even relate to then you probably won't find him here! I guess most view him like a human 'car crash' who you just can't help but watch in order to see how bad it (i.e. his life) can get. There are certainly some other familiar supporting cast-members, Michelle Pfeiffer being the most famous (or rather PRE-famous!), but, again, it's all Pacino's show. It really is a vehicle to show off his acting talent.
There's not an awful lot else to say about the film.
If you're into your gritty crime/gangster films then you should probably own this one already. I suppose the only negative thing about it is its content. Due to its foul language, violence and drug abuse, it's probably not going to appeal to everyone (mainly those with a more 'sensitive' nature!), but it really is the pinnacle of cinematic gangster films made about a true anti-hero (of course 'Breaking Bad' later copied the idea - sort of - and made plenty of changes to create something completely different for the small screen, but the similarities are all there -keep an eye out for them!).
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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