Saturday, 25 March 2023

 Feed (2005) - A bloated tale

I didn’t really know much about ‘Feed’ when I went into it, other than it was classed as the ‘horror’ genre.  From its opening I had a feeling that I was going into a ‘body horror’ film and, to be fair, there were certainly elements from that specific sub-genre thrown in there.

It’s about a serial killer (who doesn’t really believe he’s actually murdering his victims) who force feeds willing participants to death – and the Interpol agent assigned to bring him in.

The first quarter of an hour is great.  There are definitely some great practical effects in terms of make-up, but that kind of gives way pretty quickly to a story that could probably have been told in half the time.

Scenes drag out and you could even fast forward some of them simply to save runtime.  Then, during the final act, there are character decisions that truly beggar belief.  Back in the first ‘Scream’ film they pointed out many of the tropes slasher movies fall into, only in their case they were referring to ‘blonde bimbos.’ It seems fully grown police officers and mass murderers can also make such daft decisions during life or death situations.

I didn’t hate ‘Feed,’ but I just found it a little slow and a little unbelievable.  Not the premise.  I could get behind that just fine in this mixed up world.  It was how the characters reacted to situations that made me unable to suspend my disbelief any longer.

Nice make-up though on the ‘victims.’ Did I mention that?  It deserves a mention.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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