Someone told me that ‘Romancing the Stone’ was actually a romantic comedy, rather than an action movie. Yeah, I guess there’s an element of ‘romance’ in as much as the two lead characters are male and female, therefore if you even know what a ‘film’ is you’ll realise there’s going to be an element of two people getting together in the midst of an outlandish adventure. However, I still always see this film as an ‘action’ movie, rather than luvvy-duvvy stuff!

Not just do our bickering heroes have each other and the terrain they’re stranded in, they also have Danny DeVito’s slimy little character hot on their heels, not to mention a tonne of drug lords and, of course, the kidnappers. So there’s plenty of time for conflict to come into play here. Personally, I think the film has stood up to the tests of time in terms of action and entertainment. There’s clearly plenty of chemistry between the two leads and the film’s a lot of fun. However, you can tell it was filmed in the eighties (not just by Douglas’ ‘mullet’) due to how the woman is basically portrayed as a ‘damsel in distress’ type character and the man is clearly in charge at all times. Then you also have the stereotypical South American characters who are all shady (at best!) or simply drug dealers. If you can get over the fact that this was just how films were made thirty years ago then you should find this a fun film to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon (and make sure you see the ‘full’ version rather than the one that’s been ‘cut for TV’ as it contains a lot more ‘croc action!’).
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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