Under Siege 2: Dark Territory -Lightning doesn’t really strike twice
The first ‘Under Siege’ film was a classic. No, not in the ‘Godfather’ or ‘Empire Strikes Back’ kind of way, but in terms of simple nineties action films to eat popcorn to, it was a classic. And an unexpected one at that. Therefore, a sequel was trotted out in the hope that the second film would catch the audience’s attention, too. It didn’t. Not that it’s that bad.
The first film was set on a large military destroyer boat. Therefore, when Segal did his thing killing bad-guys, he had a bigger playing field (kind of literally!) to run around in. A boat is a damn sight better setting for an action film where the hero is constantly hiding and on the run from a small army of hired mercenaries. A train is not. He never really seems to hit his stride until the film is practically over.
Yes, he does his general hiding and stalking of baddies, but the whole affair leaves you wondering how he hasn’t been caught by now. The second half does pick up the pace a bit – if you don’t mind overlooking the various over-the-topness of it all and general plot holes that come with one man taking down an entire elite army battalion.
Plus there are less secondary characters for Segal to interact with. His niece is a captive, so she has little to do but kneel down and play the part of ‘damsel in distress.’ Segal’s (train porter) sidekick is annoying and the baddies are kind of over-the-top in a pantomime kind of way.
Overall, ‘Under Siege 2’ isn’t bad. It just isn’t as good as the original and therefore not even nearly as good as all the other mad nineties action blockbusters. If you like action films and you come home late at night and see this is on TV, you may watch it all the way through. It’s the kind of film that you can watch while doing other things.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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