Sunday, 11 April 2021

True Romance - Tarantino's `Romeo and Juliet'

Before Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction came Tarantino's `other' film. It's not quite as well known (despite sporting an all star cast of A and B-listers) as what came after it, but that doesn't mean it's any the less fun. It might not be as raw as Reservoir Dogs, or as trendy as Pulp Fiction - you could even say it's more of a `mainstream' gangster flick.

It's about a pair of loveable rogues who steal cocaine from someone they really shouldn't, then go on a joyride to Hollywood to sell it. It's fair to say that, along the way, they meet plenty of people who want to put a damper on their plans (or simply just murder them horribly).

As I mentioned, there's an all star cast, so expect one great performance after the other. Of course, being written by Tarantino, don't expect him to go easy on the language or violence. Some scenes may require a strong stomach to watch.

If you like gangster films then this one has to be on your list - it'll give you everything you want: great actors, snappy dialogue, violence, double-crossing and maybe even a little bit of romance. True.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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