Something different from Schwarzenegger? No, but never mind.
This film would like to make us believe that that this is a radically different venture for big Arnie. It’s not. It’s pretty much the same kick-ass, kill-the-bad-guys stuff we’ve seen from him throughout the years, but, does that mean it’s a bad film?
The critics would say yes. This film was possibly most famous for getting pushed back a year, after comparisons were drawn with the Twin Towers atrocity on 9/11. However, if you can get past that (and there aren’t as many similarities as some people may lead us to believe) and just enjoy the ride, you may be in for a surprise.
It’s a well put together action flick and, if you’re a fan of the genre, it should keep you happy for an hour and forty minutes. Give it a chance and enjoy what Arnie does best.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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