Troll Hunter - Trolly good fun
I didn't know Troll Hunter was going to be one of those `Blair Witch' shot-from-first-person-perspective type films. I always have my reservations about them. Yes, they're generally atmospheric, but the genre lends itself to plenty of shaky camera work that leaves you frustrated as to what's actually happening.First of all, Troll Hunter is a Norwegian film. Luckily (for some), you can select whether you want the dubbed version of the one with subtitles. Naturally, the one in the actors' native tongue is better, but it does mean you tend to have to read while trolls rampage about the screen.
Initially, I wasn't blown away by this film. I was bored. I sort of glanced at the DVD player's display, thinking if must have been on for about half an hour. It had only been going twelve minutes. I thought that didn't bore well, but I stuck with it and was glad I did. It's actually great fun once it gets going and if you like your monster films `first person' then you should definitely give this one a go.
Yes, there is a little bit of shaky camera work and running through woods, but, on the whole, the story is nice and engaging. The special effects are great for the trolls and the camera doesn't rip you off by constantly panning away every time one comes on screen.
Plus it's educational. I learned plenty of interesting facts about trolls that I never knew before. If nothing else, this film is the greatest argument for atheism I have ever seen!
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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