Bronson - Nice film about not a nice man
I've watched Bronson twice now. The first time I thought it was okay. Then second time I liked it a lot more. It's one of those films that grows on you.
Some may say there's not much story to it - Bronson gets into fights. He gets locked up again. Repeat for nearly ninety minutes.
However, if nothing else, the film allows Tom Hardy to flex his acting muscles (along with those he built up physically for the part). He gives a pretty chilling performance of a true psychopath. Add into this a little bit of art house-type film-making and a contrasting soundtrack featuring the Pet Shop Boys and New Order and you have a nasty little surreal film.
It has some pretty memorable scenes in it. I'm glad I gave it a second viewing. I'll probably watch it again, but it's not a film you could probably watch often. In a couple of years again, I may well appreciate watching a madman dancing badly to some eighties electro pop.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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