Son of No One - For fans of the genre ONLY
The phrase `slow burner' was made for The Son of No One. It's about a cop with a secret from his childhood that's about to come back and haunt him while he battles to save his marriage.Basically, it's a `cop-on-the-edge' thriller. Only it's not much of a thriller. Drama would be a better description, as there's not much action in it.

It's not particularly dark and it's not particularly gritty. It's just slow. The plot is strung out through use of flashbacks which tell you things that you already know (only longer).
You may be tempted to watch this because Al Pacino and Ray Liotta feature heavily in the promotional material. However, be warned, they're not in it that much - barely passing characters.
Overall, it's okay, but only if you don't mind your films slow and brooding. Every actor does his or her job in the film. Nothing special.
4/10 Dumb and Dumber could understand this film
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