Sunday, 25 April 2021

Species - A B-movie of epic proportions

I think it’s fair to say that you can’t spell ‘Species’ without a capital B (and that’s B for ‘B-movie’). And, for an out and out B-movie, Species has to be up there with the best of them.

There is nothing particularly ‘stand-out’ about anything in it. An alien – or rather the most ATTRACTIVE alien you’ve ever seen – is unleashed on an unwitting L.A. population and we follow the rag-tag bunch charged with the task of tracking her down before she reproduces (and, if you’re interested, the ‘reproducing scenes’ are worth watching this film from most red-blooded males’ points of view!).

Absolutely nothing new to see, just a hell of a load of cheesy fun that, albeit quite serious, never gets heavy enough to drag the film down into a melodrama. It just manages to stay slightly above ‘tongue-in-cheek’ to allow everyone (and when I say ‘everyone’ I probably just mean men) to enjoy the crazy, corpse-strewn ride.

There are plenty of memorable moments, but most of those involve a nude woman. Yes, you’re completely right in thinking that ‘Species’ is hardly a deep and meaningful film, filled with Oscar-worthy dialogue and complicated character arcs. It’s cheesy, tacky, low-brow, but ultimately great fun.

Enjoy with popcorn.

8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one

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