Troll/Troll 2 - Troll: so bad it's good. Troll 2: just bad
I can't really elaborate too much on the title, as it kind of sums it up quite nicely. I'm reviewing the two together because you can normally pick up the two films on one DVD.
If you watched plenty of eighties monster movies - think Demons, Ghoulies, Critters - then Troll should be right up your street. Ignore the slightly shoddy acting and relish in a simple tale (that's slightly tongue in cheek in places) and reasonable special creature effects for its limited budget.
If nothing else, I dare you not to smile at the sight of a friendly talking potted mushroom.
Now on to Troll 2. You only need to know two things about this. The first is that it's truly awful (only one of the entire filmmaking crew spoke English and the director's commands had to be translated to the actors, making giving a decent performance impossible and don't get me started on the not-so-special special effects). The second thing is that it's NOT a sequel (well, only in name). It just uses the name to start a completely new and unrelated story, only with even worse acting and effects (if that's possible).
Troll is a fun movie if you're not expecting Avatar-like special effects.
Troll 2 deserves to be forgotten.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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