They Live - Nobody kicks a$$ (and chews bubblegum) better
‘They Live’ is a masterpiece. No, not a masterpiece of acting, nor storytelling or even originality. It’s basically a masterpiece of a B-movie. In B-movie terms... this is the ‘Godfather’ Parts 1, 2 and 3.
We join a vagrant (played by a wrestler no less!) who stumbles onto an alien plot to take over the world. He decides that ain’t gonna’ happen! And he does it in style.

I could mention the numerous classic (yet completely cheesy) lines. I could also mention the truly ridiculous fight scene that transpires about half way through the film (and was so brilliantly parodied in ‘South Park’). And I could mention that They Live was directed by the master of horror in the seventies/eighties John Carpenter. However, you don’t need to know any of that. All you need to have in order to enjoy this film is an appreciation for the slightly dumb, the slightly daft, the slightly over-the-top and the ability to suspend your disbelief for an hour and a half so that you can really cheer the good guys on in their quest to rid the world of this corporate alien menace.
No brain cells required. Just sit back, crack open the popcorn (chewing bubblegum is optional) and watch the aliens get their collective a$$ kicked by ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper!
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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