Deep Rising - One of the best films ever made (for a B-movie)
Okay, I’m giving ‘Deep Rising’ top marks. Why? You ask. Does that mean that I’m saying that Deep Rising (a film about a monster attacking a cruise liner) is as good as such cinematic greats such as ‘The Godfather’ and ‘The Empire Strikes Back?’ No, I’m not. However, Deep Rising shouldn’t be viewed along films like that. It deserves its own league – possibly one filled with B-movies.And there it is truly a prince among men.

Deep Rising is never dark and serious. It seems like it knows it’s stupid, but the in the good kind of way. I know the monster looks a little ‘CGI’ after all those years, but it’s still pretty impressive, even now.
So, if you like your ‘monster-munching’ movies a little one the tongue-in-cheek side and loaded with cheese, then you should definitely like this. It’s the ultimate popcorn movie where you don’t need to use any brainpower to understand it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride (and don’t ask why, no matter how wet Famke Janssen’s top gets, it never becomes see-through).
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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