The Howling - I should have watched this sooner
This may be an odd comparison, but I couldn't help think about The Godfather when I was watching The Howling. After over thirty years I have only just got round to watching this horror `classic' - just like I only watched the Godfather the other year. I'm afraid I disliked them both.
I'll bet if I watched the Howling (and the Godfather) twenty or thirty years ago, I would have been as awestruck as everyone else. However, I found The Howling a little boring. Not much happens in the first half an hour. Then, when the werewolves do come into it, you can already tell who's who and any `plot twists' that are going to come. The effects are good - for their time. Granted you can see they're anamatronics when compared to today's slick computer-generated effects, but they're still good.
The Howling was obviously a great horror of its day, but, after watching nearly thirty years of other werewolf movies, I'm afraid I'll stick with Dog Soldiers (although I'd probably take The Howling over a topless Taylor Lautner).
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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