The Losers - A poor man's A-Team
The Losers is about a team of elite soldiers, double-crossed and left for dead on foreign soil. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Therefore, they must hunt down and blow up everything. Well, the probably refine it to those responsible for their situation, but they pretty much blow up everything in their path.
Yes, it's a B-movie, but it has enough decent actors to give it just that little bit more appeal than your average `filler' movie. None of the cast are given enough screen time to really develop their characters, as the movie is quite short, but if you're in the mood for plenty of explosions, shoot-outs and punch-ups - all of which are filmed in a very cool `slow-mo' way, then give this a go.
Trust me, there are plenty of worse action B-movies out there!
6/10 May just keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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