The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence) - 100% inaccurate
I saw the original Human Centipede (please don't ask me why). It was okay, for a slightly weird and depraved horror movie. So I guess I felt compelled to watch the sequel.
The film's first half is like a London-based version of David Lynch's Eraserhead - full of weird (and horrible) characters all shot in black and white (I don't know why the film is shot in black and white, but it is). The second half gives you what you came for - assuming you came for the gore and general distaste.
Now, I'm well aware that horror is meant to scare/disgust/disturb etc, so I don't normally mention the acting ability, but, during those rare moments of dialogue (and there aren't many - it could practically be a silent film) the actors really are pretty bad. Perhaps it's best that they spend most of their time screaming?
What's it like? It's hard to say. If you want to be disturbed, the film succeeds. However, if you want a story - forget it. The third act is pretty hard to watch and I found myself looking away a couple of times (but then I did have a knee operation myself - you'll have to watch the film to understand).
Fair play to the filmmakers for finding the creepiest leading man in the world and putting him in the sickest film, but don't expect much of a plot. There are numerous plot holes that don't make much sense or aren't too realistic. I hear the censors made the filmmakers make 32 cuts - perhaps that would explain why a few things don't add up?
I'm not off to watch something nice and cuddly like a Disney movie to remind me there's more to life than slicing people apart and stapling them to each other.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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