Rock Star - Predictable, but better than I expected
Not being a massive fan of Mark Wahlberg, I really don't know why I watched this. However, I'm quite glad I did. There are some films that you just don't like for reasons you can't quite put your finger on. This is the opposite. I liked it and I don't really know why.
From there we see what his life is like `living the dream' of drugs, rock and roll (and `the other' obviously).
The thing is, based on that briefest of plot summaries, you can probably guess the highs and lows (and probably eventual outcome) of the film. And you'd be right. There are no major twists in the tale. Yet, for some reason, I still found it enjoyable to watch. There's a healthy dose of sentiment, but not too much to distract from the big eighties hairdos and thumping guitar chords.
Perhaps fans of rock (as I am) just automatically like it? Perhaps I just got lucky. I found it a kind of semi feel-good movie for adults.
It doesn't reinvent the wheel in terms of story-telling, but the characters have their own charm (and special kudos to Mark's onscreen parents, who, despite being `all grown up and respectable' like to headbang with the best of them down at the gigs and mosh pits!).
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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