Sunday, 1 November 2020

The Big Wedding - False advertising

The reason I say this film suffers from `false advertising' is because of the poster. If you look at the (all star) cast on there, you'll see that most of them are laughing. I find this misleading. It makes it seem as if there's at least one funny moment in this film. And there isn't. There really isn't.

Right from the word go we're treated to an `American Pie for adults' scenario which might have been funny ten years ago, but really is just cringeworthingly bad when it's with adults who supposedly should know better. And it's not just the characters that should have known better - it's the cast, too. Like I said `The Big Wedding' boasts an impressive all star cast. That begs the question why any of them would sign up for this. It simply isn't funny.

The plot is tedious, too. A couple divorce because the man finds a new woman. The new woman and ex wife get on brilliantly. If that isn't impossible enough, their son is marrying a `good catholic' who's birth mother thinks divorce is a massive sin. Therefore the original couple must pretend to be married for the duration of the wedding. That's it. And it's not funny.

The characters, as well as being unfunny, are actually pretty unlikeable. It takes some good actors to make every single character as horrible as they possibly could be. And not funny.

All in all, just avoid this film. Most people hate it (based on what I've read on other reviews and Internet message boards), but the few people that seemed to like it used words like `charming' to describe it. I guess there must be some people out there who enjoyed it after all. I noticed they never used the word `funny' though. Did I mention it's completely devoid of humour?

Shame on you Bobby DeNiro

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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