Sunday, 15 November 2020

Just Friends - Strangely watchable

I'm a guy.  Therefore the amount of 'romantic comedies' in my DVD collection is few and far between.  However, 'Just Friends' is one of those 'lucky few' which I do dig out and enjoy every few years.  Yes, it's no classic and there's nothing new in the overall plot that you haven't seen before in a 'rom-com' type of flick.  But, it's funny.  And that's all I really ask in anything that's supposed to be a 'comedy.'

It starts off during the high school years of Ryan Reynolds, who is almost unrecognisable in a 'fat suit' while he spends his days dreaming of dating his crush, played by Amy Smart.  After he confesses his love - and is promptly rejected - the action skips forwards ten years and we find Reynolds looking more like we know him - a successful music executive - and what happens when he returns to his home town and the two 'friends' meet up again.

Like I say, no prizes for guessing every plot point that occurs throughout the story, but Ryan Reynolds is just so damn good that if you're in the mood for something 'fluffy' then this is certainly it.  However, the success of 'Just Friends' can't really be given solely to Reynolds.  He's ably aided by his leading ladies, Amy Smart and Anna Farris - the former who provides the heart and emotion of the tale, while the latter steals every scene and gets all the laughs.

There's not too much else to say about the film.  Technically, it's as generic as it comes and, if you've seen one romantic comedy then you'll guess how this one plays out.  However, like I say, it is funny enough to raise more than a few chuckles (mainly due to Farris' memorable performance!) and, even if you only have it on in the background, you'll still appreciate all that's good about it and be able to put out of your mind just how 'samey' the plot really is.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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