Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Wolf Creek 2 - Not bad (for a sequel)

It’s fair to say that most people believe (quite rightly) that sequels are normally pretty inferior to the original and, in horror terms, it’s hard to ever find a sequel that even comes close to its predecessor.  I’m not going to say that Wolf Creek 2 surpasses the original, but at least it’s watchable (which puts it head and shoulders over 99% of other horror sequels).

It’s about mass murdering psychopath Mick Taylor (once again played brilliantly by John Jarrett) who lives deep in the Australian Outback and has a tendency to slaughter any hapless backpacker who passes through his town of Wolf Creek.  And, when I say the film is ABOUT Mick Taylor, I really mean it.  The film doesn’t ever really focus on his victims.  He is definitely the star.  Granted, he deserves it – he truly plays the ‘nutter’ well.  However, this does leave us not that bothered about whether his victims live or die, as we never really get to know them half as well as we do him.

Therefore, we’re left learning more about the ‘monster’ than the ‘heroes.’ So, if you’re not looking for a film where you’re going to feel that sympathetic towards the victims, then you’ll find what you’re looking for right here.

It’s not so ‘condensed’ as the first Wolf Creek.  The original was mainly set in one location (when the murdering finally got going), whereas much of this movie is a cat and mouse style chase across the desert.

Don’t expect much in the way of a story (well, about as much as the next slasher film), but if you’re looking to see a really good/creepy performance from a mass-murdering villain then you’ll find it here.  My only real gripe was the ending, but you’ll have to watch the last thirty seconds to see if you agree with me.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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