Friday, 7 August 2020

Cyborg Cop - So dreadful it's actually entertaining

The score I'm giving this film shouldn't really be taken as a comparison to - what most people would call - 'good movies.' If you go by my rating alone then it looks like I'm saying that 'Cyborg Cop' is up there with the best of them.  And it isn't.  It's NOT a good movie.  It's terrible.  However, sometimes a film is so bad it sort of goes all the way round the houses and backs into the 'good' category.  Actually, I'll call this film 'entertaining' rather than 'good.'

I suppose it's a 'B-movie,' but it's probably more a 'C' or 'D' movie.  It doesn't have any actors you'll recognise (unless you know what the dwarf, Gimli, from 'Lord of the Rings' looks like without make-up).  The script is awful.  The special effects look like the runner-up of your local Halloween fancy dress parade and the story doesn't really hold up under scrutiny.  Yet, I can't help but enjoy every daft minute of it.

Two cops quit the force because, er, reasons that don't really make that much sense and are not that important in relation to the rest of the story.  One brother then decides to adopt a child and then go on some sort of assassination mission in a random South American island (or something - again, realism has already been thrown out the window).  Unfortunately, he gets more than he bargained for after a 'faux Predator-style' action scene against an army of useless henchmen, when he's captured by the villain, played by John Rhys Davis (alternating between his natural Welsh accent and a Yorkshire on, I think) and turned into a cyborg soldier (not 'cop' interestingly enough).  Now it's up to his other brother to save him.

I know 'Cyborg Cop' was made in the nineties, but somehow it feels like it belongs in the eighties.  It's a total mess and, if you're not looking for a sci-fi/action movie that's in any way serious/believable then you should find this very entertaining.  It's definitely up there with the 'best' 'so-bad-they're-good' types of films.  I just hope the (numerous!) sequels live up to just how (awfully!) good this one is.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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