Just in case there was ever any doubt, the action sci-fi film ‘Predator’ was an absolute classis in its genre (okay, so it’ll never win much praise in terms of deep and meaningful character arcs, but if you’re looking for Arnie butting heads with an unstoppable alien then you’ve hit the jackpot). It was so successful that a sequel was green lit pretty soon afterwards. Most people imagined that Arnold Schwarzenegger would reprise his role without question and were left pretty surprised and disappointed when he turned it down. However, not many would have predicted that the man destined to go toe to toe with one of cinema’s nastiest aliens would be Danny Glover.

It’s now set on the streets of L.A. instead of the jungle, a move which limits the claustrophobic atmosphere, but I can live with that. Plus you see a lot more of the alien itself. Again, not really a problem, especially when you see how much they have upgraded his weapons. Not only to we get a chance to see the inside of a Predator’s spaceship, but he’s here sporting all the latest ‘human hunting’ technology that he predecessor couldn’t seem to afford. And then there’s the action itself. It’s actually pretty cool. The special effects are well done and the action is exciting, all in all giving quite a ride for a 1990 movie. But we’re just stuck with Danny Glover.
Like I said, it’s not his acting that’s at fault, he just doesn’t look up to the challenge. He huffs and he puffs, but her certainly doesn’t blow the house down. Perhaps the only reason we root for him is because he looks so much like an underdog when fighting an unstoppable alien with tonnes of futuristic technology.
If you like the Predator franchise (or rather the first film, because everything after that has been well and truly divisive!) then realise that this one doesn’t come close to the original and never will. However, go into it with your expectations lowered and it’s at least a fun little monster movie. Don’t worry... it’s still head and shoulders over those two Aliens vs Predator movies.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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