I always loved zombie movies - right from when they were a rarity in the eighties, right up until they release the odd good/original one these days among the numerous undead offerings. Therefore, when I heard that classic horror stalwart Peter Cushine was sharing the stage with some zombie Nazis, I figured that I could hardly go wrong. Especially seeing the high proportion of five star ratings. But, for some reason, this just didn't work for me.

Yeah, I know Nazi zombies (like much with the genre) have been done to death (no pun intended), but even though, I feel a good one can still be fun. Sadly, I just couldn't really find much that this film had going for it. Cushine isn't really in it much. There's no gore (I'm guessing due to budgetery constraints) and the death scenes are pretty tame. The characters we're supposed to root for are just as dumb as every horror cliche you've ever rolled your eyes at. But the main problem is the zombies themselves.
They're not that scary. They're just blonde-haired men wearing what looked like welders' glasses. And, clearly the director thought he'd try and make them extra creepy by having them lie down in water, only to then make them slowly rise up out of the depth. Yes, it might have been creepy the first time, but after the twentieth time a head slowly comes up out of the water, you'll certainly get a feeling of de ja vu.
I've got plenty of seventies films in my collection (many of then low budget!) and they're all very entertaining. However, despite how many people seem to like it, it just wasn't for me. Of course the leading lady looks great in a bikini, but that's hardly a reason to watch for an hour and a half.
5/10 a hard trek, a bit like unicycling to Mordor and back
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