In the near future, convicts aren't given ASBOs or community service involving smoking a cigarette at the side of the road with a half-filled sack of rubbish in the other. Instead, they're not only frozen for their sentence, but they're also incarcerated in a prison-space-station orbiting the Earth (as suggested in The Daily Mail since the end of World War 2).

It seemed that Bruce Willis and Keanu Reeves were both busy saving other Presidents' daughters, so the only man capable of flying up there, killing everyone with tattoos (and Scottish accents - in the future, major crime is apparently only committed by Glaswegians) is wise-cracking tough guy and wrongly-convicted superspy Guy `Mike-from-Neighbours' Pearce.
And that's about it. He goes up there, shoots a lot of people, bludgeons others and... well, you can watch the film to find out.
I may have been slightly glib, but I actually enjoyed this. Yes, it's predicable and yes, you've probably seen it before (albeit not on a prison space station, right?), so there's nothing really new here. But it's fun, daft and kills a couple of hours (and about a hundred felons).
The performances are nothing special, but the futuristic sets are nice and the action scenes are satisfying, so I think that's all most people will want from a film like this.
Popcorn fodder. Sit back, set brain on `stand-by' and just go with it. Don't think about how easy it is for one escaped convict to take over an entire space station and release absolutely everybody at once. Just don't.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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