Oh no! The Bodysnatchers' glowy-eyed cousins have only gone and taken over Earth, implanting their white balls of light in every human. Luckily, one young girl indulged in much running through sprinkler systems with her human boyfriend. Therefore, when she gets captured and turned into an alien, her conscious still remains. Cue two hours of the girl `talking to herself' while she seeks out and tries to convince her former lover that her human `soul' still remains in this alien-possessed body.

`The Host' was written by the same author as Twilight. Yes, it has aliens instead of vampires. However, the overall feeling is strangely similar. For all its science-fiction undertones, it is basically a teenage love story. And I guess teenagers will be the primary audience for this. Me... I'm just too cynical to really appreciate this. I found the `message' that humans deserved to be taken over because - as the aliens say - we are a war-like and brutal race, who was destroying their own planet anyway. Yeah, I think we can all relate to that, but then we have to have the point that, no matter how nasty humans are, love can conquer everything, therefore making us better than our cold-hearted invaders.
I've seen plenty of alien invasion movies - some with big budget special effects and some that are more subtle. This one was just too slow and too `loved up' for me. I can't give it more than 3/5 stars. However, I looked up the demographics on how it was rated on movie sites online. It scored plenty of solid 4/5s and 5/5 from teenagers, therefore I think I'll leave this one to them.
If only Sigourney Weaver had just `loved' the aliens then she probably wouldn't have had to just keep blasting them out of airlocks.
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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