...and luckily I also quite like a bad one, too. Which is just as well, because ‘Dead Rising’ isn’t that good (but then it’s not that bad, either). In case you didn’t know, it’s based on a computer game. And, if you didn’t know that, you probably did know that movies that are based on computer games never really fair that well.

The characters are a clichéd and the story uninspired, yet I can’t quite bring myself to dislike it. It’s the sort of film that I’m pretty sure I’ll forget shortly and then remember in a few years time and watch again. No, I won’t buy it, but I reckon that if I can find it for free on Netflix or whatever then I’ll happily sit through it again and chuckle here and there.
If I had to say one majorly negative thing about it, it would be that it never really seemed to know what it wanted to be. One minute it’s quite ‘knowingly cheesy’ with its silly antics – the next it’s trying to be all dark and conspiracy orientated.
If you can stomach – yet another – zombie film that’s simple ‘popcorn fun’ then you could give this one a go (especially if you don’t have to pay for it!).
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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