Saturday, 15 August 2020

Club Dread - Very stupid. Very fun

The first thing you need to know about Club Dread is that it is not to be taken seriously. It's basically a comedy, but with horror thrown in. It doesn't so much as lampoon the genre, as adhere to it. Storywise, it's actually your average slasher film. An unknown killer stalks an island full of annoyingly-fit teenagers and knifes them to death. Nothing new there. Nothing new in the whole film really, but that doesn't mean it's not worth watching.

It's basically fun. It never tries to be serious and shouldn't be taken as such. If you like slasher films in general, you should like this. The only downside I found (or rather something I felt was a missed opportunity) were the death scenes. The whole film is surprisingly UNgory for a supposed (half) horror film. As the film-makers are also playing to a comedy audience, you'd think they'd be more creative with the (many) death scenes. There's certainly scope for it. However, every death is a simple stabbing or slice - hardly imaginative.

But, it's more comedy than horror, so perhaps I'm expecting too much. Basically, as many other reviewers have said, it's basically Froday 13th meets Porkies and I can't really add anything to that.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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