The term `pulp sci-fi' might have well been invented for The Terminator. Originally, it was a little-known sci-fi action film with equally little-known stars. However, it just happened to strike a chord with audiences and catapulted Arnold Schwarzenegger to super-stardom and writer/director James Cameron to become one of the most powerful men behind the camera in Hollywood.

In case you don't know... an indestructible cyborg is sent back through time from a world where machines have all but wiped out humanity. His mission is to kill the mother of the only man who will oppose the machines' rule in the future, Sarah Connor. Now, ordinarily, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against such a killer, but, luckily for her (and humanity) the humans of the future have sent back their best soldier, Kyle Reese, to protect her. And so ensure a cat and mouse game of chase where the two humans are constantly on the run from the relentless killer robot.
Like I say... it would be easy to just say watch this if you like dark sci-fi/action. However, if you like film and generally good films, this one's only just over an hour and a half and you only have to read the other reviews to see that I'm not the only one who regards it as a classic.
It's possibly the perfect action movie for adults and - amazingly - it possesses one other (almost) unique trait in the film industry - it has a sequel which (most people believe) surpasses it. If you like The Terminator (and most do) then you should check out its sequel, imaginatively titled Terminator 2. Bother are classics. Part 3 and 4 maybe go a little downhill, but, trust me, 1 and 2 have to be seen.
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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