Thor - The Dark World - By Asgard… this is fun!
If you haven’t seen one of the recent crop of ‘Marvel comic book movies’ then ‘Thor: The Dark World’ is probably a bit of an odd place to start. So, assuming you’ve already enjoyed anything from Thor 1 to Iron Man 3, then you’ll probably enjoy this, too. It follows the whole ‘Marvel superhero formula’ pretty closely and, if I’m being harsh, doesn’t really bring anything new to the table. However, when a movie is this much fun, a lack of originality isn’t that much of a problem.
Chris Hemsworth is great as Thor. Tom Hiddleston is equally great as Thor’s nemesis ‘Loki’ and the rest of the cast all play their parts well, too.
So, all you need is a big bucket of popcorn and an hour and forty-four minutes to kill and you should enjoy some seriously fun ‘hammer time.’
Oh, and don’t forget about no less that TWO ‘secret’ scenes hidden within the credits. ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ here we come!
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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