Demolition Man - Stallone's `Total Recall'
The nineties were famous for its action movies and the heroes who punched and shot their way through them. In the `friendly' rivalry between Stallone and Schwarzenegger, they both had their hits and misses. Demolition Man was not Stallone's biggest hit, but, then again, it certainly wasn't a miss.
There are plenty of jokes to go alongside the action and Sandra Bullock is great as the plucky lead (and you can see why her performance led on to her true breakthrough role in Speed a year later). And Nigel Hawthorne should also get a nod for his `futuristic version of Sir Humphrey' in San Angeles - great to see such a serious character actor trading insults with Hollywood's hard men!
If you like your action movies fun and light-hearted then Demolition Man stands up to the test of time. It may not be Rambo, Rocky or the Terminator franchise, but it deserves its place in nineties-action history (even if just for making the audience ask the question `Just what exactly was the deal with the `three seashells'?).
8/10 The Force is definitely strong with this one
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