Monday, 18 January 2021

Silent House - Silent house - yes it was - apart from the odd scream 

Silent House - a film about a woman who wanders round one room inside a house after the next. Sometimes she makes a phone call. Sometimes she leaves a message on someone's answer phone. Once she even spoke to someone via a webcam. Then, every now and again, something `spooky' happens. It could be that something falls over, something invisible pokes her or something equally as `seen-it-all-before.'

Silent House is pretty dull. Its one plus point is that it's short. People turn up, act a bit creepy, don't really give much away and leave. There's something like a `reveal' at the end, but, by the time it actually happens, I doubt there will be enough people still interested in the film to care.

Seriously, don't bother. There are a million better and scarier horror films out there.

3/10 Jabba the Hutt wipes himself down with this film

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