Saturday, 9 January 2021

Friday The 13th: Part 6 - My favourite Friday

Not everyone would agree with me that this is the best of the (bad!) bunch, but then I’m a sucker for putting a little humour into these sorts of films. Yes, the psychotic killer – Jason Voorhees – is finally back after the misfire of a film that was Part 5... and he’s now undead. This means that he’s more of the ‘Jason’ we know and love.

However, the film-makers have gone for a more ‘tongue in cheek’ style to the film. I enjoyed it. Even though I enjoy the whole Friday 13th franchise, I have to admit that I think it’s a little daft and ripe for adding a few black comedy moments. ‘Part 6’ continues the tale of Tommy Jarvis (survivor of parts 4 and 5) and he’s back to take on Jason (even if he is sporting a third face!). Now it’s sort of like ‘Scream’ in that it’s a lot more ‘knowing’ and parodies itself. Plus it has less characters than Part 5 (which had waaay too many) so it can concentrate on the important ones.

Yes, the same ‘if you have sex you die’ rule still applies, but the kills are more imaginative than they have been before (especially in parts 1-4) and the humour also shines through in that. I enjoyed it, yet a lot of people still disagreed with me.

Basically, if you don’t mind black comedy mixed with horror then you should enjoy this. However, if you think horror should be played straight, or that they should have kept the Friday 13th franchise as dark as parts 1-5 then you might want to skip this one and go straight to chapter 7.

7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that

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