Crawl - Apparently, I should like this
If you read the online comments on various internet message boards, you'll see phrases like `a thinking man's horror film' and `highly atmospheric.' Then, when people - sadly, like me - who simply describe the film as `boring,' we get criticised for `only liking the lowest form of film' and `not appreciating it.'
I'm afraid, for all the high-brow talk about Crawl, I just found it dull. There are long periods where there's no talking. And, in an attempt to `create tension,' the same three chords are played endlessly on a cello. These scenes repeat at various intervals all the way through the film and you're just as well fast forwarding them and watching the speeded-up version (as you'll see what's happening at a fraction of the screen-time).
I don't just watch Michael Bay films and movies filled with endless car chases. I do watch other movies where I also have to (occasionally) use my head to figure things out. However, I just couldn't help but get bored with this.
Obviously, judging by the amount of positive praise there is out there for this film, then it has found an audience out there somewhere - I'm just one of those philistines who didn't appreciate it. Sorry!
On the plus side, it's short!
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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