Blade - The Marvel movie that set the ball rolling
Back in the nineties, DC (comic book) movies seemed to rule the big screen (i.e. Batman and Superman being the main two) whereas Marvel (comic book) movies seemed to be destined to fill up TV stations with men in skin-tight lycra running around throwing weak punches here and there.
Since Blade, Marvel seemed to realise how to make a superhero movie and since then, it's overtaken the DC universe. Maybe it's because Blade is such a broad movie - it's action, horror and superhero movie all rolled into one. Of course it's definitely not a comedy. There are few moments of light relief as it's pretty serious through and through.
If you like `classic vampire movies' (i.e. before Twilight) then you should give this a try. It's quite an epic from start to finish. It spawned two sequels, the first of which was actually almost as good as the first (some say better), whereas the second one left audiences split.
However, the original is definitely a stand out movie. Anyone who likes horror, action, martial arts or superhero movies should love it.
Now all we need is a `Blade vs Twilight' movie. I for one would pay good money to see him rid the world of creatures with big, sculpted hair who twinkle while they pout at teenage schoolgirls.
9/10 almost as perfect as The Godfather
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