Blade: Trinity - The difficult third instalment
`Blade: Trinity' was always going to be in trouble, mainly because Blade 1 and 2 were just so damn good. Part II was considered (by some) to be that rarest of beasts which is a sequel that even goes so far as to surpass the original. Therefore the third instalment really had its work cut out to try and go yet one step further.
Part 3's `big idea' was to simply add more cast members. And, to help sell the Blade franchise to a younger audience, the new cast members were all youngsters (hence my `Scooby Doo comment'). Suddenly, Blade is less about the man himself and more of a `teen slasher' where the young, good-looking cast-members are gradually being picked off one by one.
However, it's certainly not all bad. There are some nice special effects with plenty of dead vampires to keep us Slayers happy. The new weapons are neat and some of the baddies - despite being pretty `comic-book-esque' are quite enjoyable (Parker Posey).
Someone described it as `straight to video;' it's certainly not that, but if you've seen parts one and two, just lower your expectations slightly and you should find it a fun little outing.
7/10 if I woke up on Groundhog Day and had to watch this again, I could live with that
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