Zombie Hunter - Calling it a `B-movie' would be generous
Okay, so we have a film called `Zombie Hunter' and it stars renown B-movie actor Danny Trejo. So... what are we expecting? I'm guessing that most of us know it won't be Shakespeare and would settle for some silly, over the top, zombie-bashing fun. Right?

If you have a B-movie with no stars and little budget, you don't expect it to try and compete with Hollywood's A-list efforts. You expect the film to play to its strength. However, this doesn't. It's not funny and, if it thinks it is then I simply missed every last `joke' in there.
You won't care about any of the characters. Every last one is a walking-talking cliché who you'll know whether they're destined to live or die from the first moment you see them.
Yes, the `zombie kills' are nice. They're filmed in slow motion and have a decent about of blood (albeit purple blood for some reason). However, zombies have been at the forefront of film-making since the first Resident Evil film. By now a film has to have more than just a bit of stylish direction when an undead creature is killed.
If you're looking for a cheesy zombie film to simply entertain you then look elsewhere. Or just stick to Shaun of the Dead. That's funny, gory and has characters you'll actually care about.
4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)
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