Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection - Goodnight to the living dead
Don't you just hate those reviews that say blunt things like `This film is rubbish!'
I try to give a little more information than that, but, I have to say, that that is the crux of my review.
For those ten people out there who don't know, the title of `Night of the Living Dead' comes from the sixties zombie film, made by George Romero film and sporting the same name. The original sixties version is largely considered to be the `start' of the modern take on the undead. This film, ie. The 2012 version where the film-makers have stuck the word `Resurrection' on the end has NOTHING to do with the original or the official sequels spawned from it.

Saying it's made on a `shoestring budget,' would be an overstatement. I doubt they had a budget at all. The actors (and I use that term loosely) seem to be straight out of the amateur dramatics society and the camera is mainly handheld all the way through, making it seem like your old home video footage of your holiday to Spain when you were a child.
One plus point: the gore is reasonable in the few places it's used, plus there's quite a shocking moment early on that I doubt many will see coming.
However, a couple of nice touches do not make a movie. The rest is just awful.
Don't be lulled into thinking it'll be good just because the film-makers stole a classic's title. It's just a poor attempt at cashing in on the name. If you like British zombie movies then stick to the 28 Days Later pair, or Shaun of the Dead if you want your gore with some light-hearted moments in it.
2/10 Scuzzier than the leftover goo from a Queen alien's egg sack
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