The Last Exorcism: Part II - It must have been hard to make a film this dull
Okay, I try to do a little more than just blatantly slag off a film, but with `The Last Exorcism Part II' it's kind of hard not to.

Therefore, based on the first movie alone, I decided to watch the sequel. I really wish I hadn't. It's a completely different type of film for a start, i.e. not `found footage.' I guess the film-makers wanted not to just do a rehash of the first movie and try something different. What they came up with was simply one of the more boring films ever made.
We follow the girl from the first story, now trying to lead a normal life. But she can't. The spirit she fought before wants to be in her again. Things bump around wherever she goes, therefore, in turn, making her jump. That's about it. She has a gaggle of female friends who do little more than giggle and make clichéd remarks. Plus there's a love interest for out main lead. It adds nothing to the plot, other than detracting yet further from anything vaguely scary.
The Last Exorcism (part one) was nothing that special, but at least it was watchable enough to be enjoyable (if you like low budget horror flicks). Part II, on the other hand, is just dull with no redeeming features.
Maybe I should have known better than to watch a sequel to a film with the word `last' in the title. Dear film-makers, PLEASE make part II the absolute last this time. I won't be watching `The Last Last Last Exorcism' if it ever sees the light of day.
1/10 This might as well have been written, directed and produced by Uwe Boll
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