It may sound odd finally getting round to 'reviewing' 1994's 'Pulp Fiction' as there's really little that can be added to everything that's been said about it over the years. Yes, it's a true masterpiece which has - and will always, I would imagine - stand the test of time. But is it for everyone?

If you check out the main poster associated with 'Pulp Fiction' you'll see the - now iconic - image of Uma Thurman's character to sell it. Even though she is indeed a 'central' character to the plot, you'll notice a whole load of famous names in the small print, including John Travolta, Bruce Willis and - of course - Samuel L Jackson (in what was totally his 'breakout' role). This is definitely an 'ensemble' cast and, due to the multiple story threads, not all these names will be on screen for as long as you might like them to be. However, that doesn't mean that anyone turns in a bad performance.
'Pulp Fiction' has made it's mark on not only the Box Office and takings, but also on popular culture. It's either quoted or lampooned to this day and most people will 'get' any references made to everything from the numerous quotable lines to the crazy outlandish settings the characters find themselves in.
Due to the extreme circumstances involving very 'adult' themes, this film is not for children. And it's all the better for it. This is because it will - hopefully - limit those who just don't 'get' it. For all its greatness, it's not an easy watch. You can't just have it on in the background while you idly check your Instagram account on your phone. You really need to invest your time into your viewing to get the most out of it. Because of that it's not for idle viewers. It's made to be watched properly (and then debated afterwards, no doubt - people still wonder what was in the briefcase to this day!).
If you're not a fan of violence, bad language, drug-usage or films that play with the element of storytelling in order to mix things up a little, then you may find much of 'Pulp Fiction' a little hard to watch. However, even if you're not sure about it, I would advise at least giving it a go, simply because it one of those rare films where audiences and critics actually agreed that it was a 'true' masterpiece. Plus, as I've eluded to, Samuel L Jackson's performance is worth a viewing on its own, let alone with all the other amazing performances as well. They don't make them like this any more. Even Tarantino has never - quite - managed to recapture what he managed here.
10/10 The Monty Python Knights of Camelot are currently looking for this
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