The first film, ’21 Jump Street,’ was a surprise hit. How do we know? Because the cast of ’22 Jump Street’ tells us as much in the script. At first I wondered whether I was imagining it, but then I realised it was basically the ‘running joke’ of the movie that the film-makers were only too aware how lucky they were to get the chance to make a sequel.

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum have really good chemistry as the two leads and their dynamics are what saves the film. Ice Cube is also back as the duo's long suffering chief of police and he's used a bit more - and to better effect. I didn’t expect to like the first outing and was as surprised at how good it was. However, I did think that – despite the good, self-aware gags – it was less funny than its predecessor. That’s mainly the middle of the film when it does tend to drag a bit. The first and last third seem to play better when it comes to laughs.
If you liked the first film, I’d say you might as well see this one, too. It’s not quite as sharp, but there are just enough laughs (besides the ‘self aware’ gags which - in my opinion - land every single time) to warrant a viewing, although I didn’t think it was as good as some critics have been saying. I heard a lot of people saying how it surpassed the original. I wouldn’t agree with that, but it is okay, just not great.
'22 Jump Street' is at its best when it's sending up what it is. And, for that, it's worth a watch. Also, it's well worth staying for the credits as they are one of the longest moments of funniness you'll get in the movie. However, the end credits are so good that they may well have (inadvertently?) prevented what would have been the '23 Jump Street' that a lot of people were waiting for.
6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights
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