Monday, 22 January 2024

The Children (1980) - Clean your fingernails

Baring in mind how many horror B-movies I've watched over the years, I don't know how this one has slipped by me!  A toxic waste accident turns a bus-load of grade school children into murderous zombie-like things.  Their town is now in trouble.

Yes, it's as B-movie as it comes.  If you're expecting any deep and intellectual plots or character arcs you won't find them here, but what's on offer is certainly a creepy and dark little affair.

You may think it's going to be played like a bit of a black comedy, knowing that its pint-sized antagonists probably couldn't do you that much harm if you came up against them in real life, but that's not the way the film-makers chose to do it.  When it comes to the subject matter, it does break a few conventions and even a die-hard horror fan like myself was surprised with a few of the choices.

There's not that much gore, but the make-up effects are well done on the children's victim, plus there is the odd nice stunt thrown in there for good measure.  If there's a let-down it's that much of the final act is drawn out a bit too long.  There's way too much of the two heroes just wandering round from place to place as they hunt the demonic kids down.  I guess some may say that it was done to build tension, but I found it slowed the pace.  It's not Shakespeare by any stretch, but it is creepy enough to be worth a look if you're into eighties horror/slasher films.  And if you see a child coming up to you for a hug, feel free to indulge such a simple pleasure in life.  However, if you notice their fingernails are black then it may be time to bust out the samurai sword that every family in America obviously has hanging over the lounge fireplace.

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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