Monday, 1 January 2024

Defcon-4 (1985) - Unfocused, but interesting

'Defcon-4' is a pretty hard film to describe as it kind of flits between genres here and there and also wanders in terms of its narrative.  If you saw the opening quarter of an hour then you'd be forgiven for thinking it may be some sort of low budget '2001: A Space Odyssey' type clone, as we'd introduced to three astronauts who are orbiting the Earth in a space station, armed with nuclear warheads.  When they detect war is breaking out below, they're under orders to fire.

However, the story then switches to Earth, a couple of months later when they land and find what's left of the planet - spoilers - a post apocalyptic wasteland filled with 'Mad Max' type gangs of cannibals.

I won't go into too many details regarding what happens next, as, due to the winding narrative, it probably won't go where you think it might.  Characters you think are the main stars tend to disappear in one way or another.  Some return, others definitely don't.  New characters are brought in and then discarded again, while those you think behave one way will suddenly have a random change of heart and switch motivations.

Basically, the story is a bit of a mess.  This is certainly a drawback, but it doesn't actually make the film unwatchable, simply because of the overall tale and you'll be curious to see how it eventually pans out.

It may be a bit of a low budget B-movie, but the acting is certainly nothing to be sneered at - they all play their part well and the overall atmosphere is suitably bleak.  There's little in the way of music - a few scores here and there, but you'll probably go through the whole film without even really noticing it.  If you're interested in post apocalyptic thriller/action series that were set in the eighties then this one is worth a watch if you can find it cheaply (or, better still, free!).

6/10 Should probably keep you awake if Freddy Krueger was haunting your nights

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