Thursday, 11 January 2024

Necrosis (2009) - One word... competent

The whole 'cabin in the woods' trope has been a sub-genre of horror for quite some time.  Granted, here in 'Necrosis' it's a cabin in the snowy mountains, but the principal is just the same.  A group of friends go to stay in a remote location and fall foul to some sort of supernatural force.

This time we have three couples who stay in the mountains, who obviously ignore the cliched old man who warns them not to stay there.  Two of which are single, so guess who will be coupling up?  One of the actresses can't really act in the beginning, but she does get a bit better as the movie goes on.  The dialogue between the cast isn't badly written, but it doesn't really save it as it never really gets going and many scenes could be easily cut.

There's brief nudity if that's any incentive, but there's no real gore or creature effects to talk about.  I paused it what I thought was roughly half way through.  Turned out I was forty-five minutes into its hour and fifteen minutes runtime.  Basically, not much had happened yet - bar a couple of jump scares.  That should tell you everything you need to know about the film.  It's not the worst I've ever sat through, but it will hardly be remembered among the heaps of other similar offerings.  

4/10 You can watch this film while you're doing the ironing (you'll still get the general gist of it)

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